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It was truly John the Revelator who wrote about the end of the world.

I, Nephi, am forbidden to write what I later saw and heard. What I have written is enough, although it is only a small part of what I saw.

I bear record that the angel showed me everything my father saw. This is a partial record of what I saw and heard while I was carried away in the Spirit to that very high mountain.

I give my witness that everything I have written is true.

Nephi explains Lehi's prophecies...
(compare 1 Nephi, chapter 15)

After returning from being carried away in the Spirit, I went back to my father's tent. There I found my brothers arguing over what my father had told them.

My father had said many things that could be understood only by asking the Lord for their meaning. But they, being proud, did not ask the Lord.

I became very sorry because of their stubbornness, and because of the vision I had just seen, in which I knew that my brothers and their descendants would falter because of their unbelief and wickedness. I was overcome with grief, feeling it was greater than anyone's, for I had seen the destruction of my fair people!

After praying to the Lord I received strength, and I asked my brothers what they were arguing about.

They said, "We don't agree on what father meant when he spoke of the natural branches of the olive tree, and of the Gentiles."