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Then the angel said, "Look!" I looked and saw a man dressed in a white robe. "See John the Revelator, one of the Lamb's twelve apostles. John will see and write the rest of the events of the last days, and also many things which have happened from the beginning of the world.

He will also write about the end of the world. What he writes will be just and true. When he gives his writings to the Jews, they will be plain, pure, most precious and easy to understand.

John will describe what you have seen, Nephi, and he will also describe what you will yet see. But do not write about what you will yet see, for the Lord God has ordained John to do that.

There are others who have been ordained by the Lord to see all things concerning the earth, from the beginning to the end. These others will also write their records, which will be sealed up to come forth in purity to the house of Israel in the Lord's due time.”

Note: One of these "others", ordained to see and write all things, was Jared's brother. His record, located in the untranslated portion of Mormon's record, will come forth when the Gentiles, particularly LDS Gentiles, sanctify and humble themselves with sufficient faith (Ether 4:4-7).