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After my father read the writing on the ball, he started to tremble with fear. When my brothers, Ishmael's sons and our wives read the writing, they also began to tremble.

I then realized that the pointers on the ball worked according to our faith in and obedience to the directions they gave us.

Also on the pointers we discovered some new words, plainly written, which gave us understanding about the Lord's ways.

The writing changed from time to time according to the faith and diligence we gave to its instructions.

From this we learn that by small means the Lord can bring about great things.

I went atop a mountain as instructed by the directions written on the ball. On the mountain I found wild animals and obtained food for our families.

When I returned to camp with food everyone was overjoyed! They humbled themselves before the Lord and gave thanks to Him. We regained our strength and continued our journey again in the same direction.

After traveling for many days, we set up camp to rest again. And in this place, Ishmael died, after which he was buried in a place called Nahom.