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Ishmael's daughters were very sad for having lost their father and because of their afflictions in the wilderness. They complained about my father, saying, "Lehi brought from our home in Jerusalem to wander in this wilderness. Now our father is dead, and we've suffered from fatigue, hunger and thirst. And after all our suffering we're going to die of starvation in this wilderness!"

They carried on with their complaining about my father and me, asking their husbands to take them back to Jerusalem.

Then, to make them angry against me, Laman said to Lemuel and to Ishmael's sons, "Let's kill our father, and also Nephi, who thinks he's a ruler and teacher over us, his older brothers. Nephi says the Lord has talked with him, and that angels have ministered to him, but we know he lies! He says these things to trick us, to lead us away to some strange wilderness, where he plans to make himself king over us, to do what he pleases."

But in spite of my brothers, the Lord was with us all. His voice came like thunder and we all heard it. He told my brothers many things and chastised them severely.

After this, they changed their anger to humility, and the Lord blessed us with food again.

Nephi is told to build a ship...
(compare 1 Nephi, chapter 17)

Then we took up our travels, heading east. We continued to suffer with affliction in the wilderness as our wives bore children, but the Lord poured great blessings upon us. While eating raw meat (for we were commanded not to make many fires) our wives were healthy and nursed their babies.