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struggled for their lives without calling upon that Being who created them.

The Lamanites attacked us in the city of Jordan, but we drove them back. They came again, and we again held them off. Other cities were also maintained by the Nephites. These strongholds cut the Lamanites off from the northern lands, preventing them from destroying our people in the north.

By the end of 379 AD the Lamanites had killed all the Nephites who had not gathered into the strongholds and had burned their towns, villages and cities.

In 380 AD the Lamanites attacked us again, and we stood against them boldly. But it was all in vain, for they were so numerous they tread down the Nephites. We ran again before the Lamanites. Those who could run faster than the Lamanites escaped, and those who could not were caught and killed.

And now, I, Mormon, do not want to horrify you by describing this awful scene of blood and carnage before me, but I know this history must be made known. I also know that all things hidden must be made known to all people.

I know that the descendants of this people (Native North, Central and South Americans, and Polynesians), and the Gentiles, who will scatter them and consider them to be worthless, will have this history. Knowing this, I write this limited account of what I have seen.

I will not make a full account because I have been commanded not to, and also because I don't want you to sorrow too much over this people's wickedness.

I write to their descendants, and also to the Gentiles who care for the house of Israel, who realize and know from where their