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blessings come. They will sorrow over the destruction of this people, wishing they had repented and had been held in the arms of Jesus.

These records are written to Israel's descendants, for God knows my people, who are wicked, cannot preserve these records. This is why I have been commanded to hide them unto the Lord. And I know they will all come forth in His own due time.

This record will go to the unbelieving Jews to persuade them that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the living God -- that through His most Beloved Son, the Father may bring about His great, eternal purposes, and fulfill His covenant to restore the Jews, and all of the house of Israel, to the lands He has given them as an inheritance.

This record will also help my people's descendants to more fully believe His gospel, which will come to them from the Gentiles (Joseph Smith, Jr. and others of European descent, were "Gentiles").

Before this, my people's descendants will be scattered by the Gentiles. They will have become a dark, filthy and loathsome people, more than any who have lived among us, or among the Lamanites. This condition will be the result of their unbelief and idolatry.

The Lord’s Spirit has already left this people. They are without Christ and God in this world, and they are driven about like chaff in the wind.

Once they were a delightful people with Christ as their shepherd, and they were led by God the Father. But now they are led by Satan, like a ship being tossed on the waves without sail, anchor or rudder.