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Mormon’s last battle...
(compare Mormon, chapter 6)

Now I, Mormon, will finish engraving the record of the destruction of my people, for the Nephite people fought one last battle with the Lamanites.

I wrote a letter to the Lamanite king, asking him to allow us to gather our people to the land of Cumorah, near Cumorah Hill, where we could battle them. The Lamanite king allowed this, so we marched to the land of Cumorah and pitched our tents around Cumorah Hill.

This land was full of lakes, rivers and springs, and here we hoped to gain advantage over the Lamanites.

We gathered all our people to Cumorah in 384 AD.

At age 74 I knew this was my people's last struggle. The Lord had commanded me not to allow the sacred records that had been handed down by our forefathers to fall into Lamanite hands, for they would destroy them.

This is why I made this record from Nephi's plates. I hid all the other plates in Cumorah Hill. The only plates I have not hidden are these ones, which I have given to my son Moroni.