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The Lord will give their blessings to the Gentiles, who will possess this land. After the Gentiles have scattered my people's descendants, the Lord will remember the covenant He made with Abraham, and with all the house of Israel. He will also remember the prayers of the righteous, who have prayed for their descendants.

And then, oh you Gentiles (including LDS Gentiles, from where the gospel will come), how can you stand before God's power without repenting of your evil ways? Don't you know that you are in God's hands--that He has all power, and at His great command the earth will be rolled together like a scroll?

Therefore, repent and humble yourselves before Him. Otherwise, He will come out in justice against you, and a remnant of Jacob's descendants will go in among you, like a lion, and tear you to pieces, and no one will deliver you.

Note: This analogy of being "torn into pieces by a lion, with none to deliver" originates with David referring to his soul in (Psalms 7:2), The analogy appears again 300 years later, used by Micah, who prophesied of the last days...
“And the remnant of Jacob shall be among the Gentiles in the midst of many a young lion among the flocks of sheep: who... teareth in pieces, and none can deliver (Micah 5:8).
Over 700 years after Micah's day, the resurrected Savior told the Nephites His warnings to the Gentiles of the last days...
“And I say unto you, that if the Gentiles do not repent after the blessing which they shall receive, after they have scattered my people—Then shall ye, who are a remnant of the house of Jacob, go forth among a young lion among the flocks of sheep who...teareth in pieces, and none can deliver (3 Nephi 20:15-18).
This was actually the Savior's second warning to the Gentiles. His first was about Gentiles being "trodden down" if they did not repent after sinning against the gospel, after rejecting its fullness because of pride (3 Nephi 16:10-15). The Savior warned the Gentiles a third time, again using the "lion" analogy (3 Nephi 21:12).
Having read these warnings given by the Savior, engraved 350 years prior to the destruction of his own people, and experiencing first hand the Lamanites going in and tearing his people to pieces like a lion, with none to deliver, it's no wonder that Mormon again warned latter-day Gentiles to repent, using this powerful, graphic analogy (Mormon 5:22-24).