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Savior, then it will be well with you on judgment day. Amen.

Moroni finishes his father's book...
(compare Mormon, chapter 8)

Now I, Moroni, finish the record of my father, Mormon. There are only a few things he told me to write.

After the tremendous battle at Cumorah, the Nephites who had escaped. to the south were all hunted and killed by the Lamanites. My father was also killed by them.

Only I remain to write the sad tale of my people's destruction, for they are all gone. I alone fulfill my father's commandment, not knowing if the Lamanites will kill me, too.

I will write and then hide these records in the earth. After I do this, it does not matter where I go.

My father made this record and wrote its purpose (see Title Page). I would also write the purpose if I had room on the plates, but I do not.