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And I have no ore, for I am alone. All my friends and relatives have been killed in battle, and I do not know where to go, nor how long the Lord will allow me to live.

Four hundred years have passed since the coming of our Lord and Savior. The Lamanites have hunted down my people in every city until they have become extinct. It has been a great and marvelous destruction.

The Lord's hand has done this. The Lamanites are now at war with one another, and on the whole face of this land there is one continual round of murder and bloodshed.

I will write no more about the Lamanites, for only Lamanites and robbers are left. There is no one left who knows the true God, except Jesus’ three disciples. The Lord would not allow them to stay with us because of the people's wickedness, and no one knows where they are. But my father and I have seen them, and they have visited us.

Whoever receives this record and does not condemn it because of its imperfections will know greater things than these.

Note: "Greater things" are mentioned in 2 Ne 28:30, 3 Ne 26:8-10, and Ether 4:6-8.

If it were possible, I would make all things known to you. This is all I will say about our people.

I am the son of Mormon, who was a descendant of Nephi. I am the one who hides this record unto the Lord.

These gold plates themselves are of no worth to anyone, for no one will be allowed to have them to sell for money. However, the messages written on these plates are of great worth, and whoever brings them to light will be blessed by the Lord.