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They prayed for the man whom the Lord would allow to bring forth these records.

They will come forth because the Lord said they would. By His hand, they will come out of the earth, and no one can stop it.

These records will come at a time when people will say that miracles are over.

They will come forth as one speaking from the dead.

These records will come forth when the blood of the saints will cry to the Lord for justice to be brought upon secret combinations and works of darkness.

These records will come at a time when God's power is denied, when churches are defiled, and when church leaders and teachers are lifted up with so much pride in their hearts that they will envy members of their own church.

These records will come when fires, storms and volcanoes will occur in foreign lands.

There will also be wars and earthquakes in various places.

These records will go throughout the earth when great pollutions are upon it, such as murder, robbery, lying, deception, prostitution and every other type of sin.

Note: In the scriptures, the words "pollute, polluted, and pollutions” were never intended to refer to a physical state. One of Moroni's main commissions was to describe the spiritual degeneration of the last days, and to wam us accordingly. An isolated description of urban environmental conditions would not only be an inconsistent use of the word "pollutions,” but irrelevant to the purpose of his record. Note the singular meaning of the words, "pollutions" and “polluted” in 1 Ne 8:33, Mosiah 25:11 and Mormon 8:38.

Many will say, "Do whatever you like. It doesn't matter, for the Lord will support you in the end."