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Cursed are such, for they are controlled by their sins and are full of bitterness.

These records will come in a day when people will build up churches and say, "Come to me, and for money you will be forgiven of your sins.”

Oh you wicked, perverse, stubborn people. Why have you built up churches for yourselves to make money? Why have you distorted God's holy word (The Holy Bible), damning yourselves?

Look to God's revelations, for the time will come when all of these things will be fulfilled.

The Lord has shown me the great and marvelous things that will occur at the time when these records will come forth to you (Great and marvelous things? Review entire chapter of 3 Nephi 21).

I speak to you as if you were present, for Jesus Christ has shown you to me, and I know your works.

I know that except for a few of you, you are all proud, wearing fine clothes, envying, contending with and persecuting one another.

Every one of your churches has become polluted because of your pride.

You love money and the things you own.