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Note: President Ezra T. Benson, in the ENSIGN, Jan. 1988, pg. 5, wrote to LDS Church members, “If we don't quit building up and supporting secret combinations, the situation will continue to degenerate as it did anciently." Compare this quote with Helaman 6:38.

The sword of vengeance hangs over you, and the time soon comes when the Lord will avenge the blood of the saints upon you, for He will not allow their cries to go unanswered.

Moroni questions latter-day people...
(compare Mormon, chapter 9)

And now I, Moroni, speak about those whom I saw, who will not believe in Christ (the previous chapter was addressed to believers of Christ).

Will you believe in Christ when He comes on that great day when the earth is rolled together like a scroll, and when the elements will melt with fervent heat?

And when you are brought to stand before the Lamb of God, will you then say there is no God?

Will you deny Christ while in His presence?

Do you think you could live with Him, aware of your own guilt?

Do you think you could be happy living with that holy Being when your soul is racked with guilt for having abused His laws?