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You would be more miserable living with a holy and just God, being aware of your filthiness, than you would living with the damned souls of hell. For when you realize how exposed your soul is before God in His glory, and realize the holiness of Jesus Christ, your soul will be filled with a flame of unquenchable fire.

Turn to the Lord, you who are unbelievers. Cry mightily to the Father, in the name of Jesus, that perhaps you may be found spotless--spiritually pure, fair and white, having been cleansed by the blood of the Lamb at that great and last day.

Again, I speak to you who deny God's power, who say there are no more revelations, prophecies, and other gifts, such as healing, or the speaking and understanding of foreign or unknown languages.

Whoever denies these things does not know the gospel of Christ and has not read the scriptures. Or if he has read the scriptures, he does not understand them.

For do we not read that God is unchangeable forever? If you have imagined that He varies, then you have imagined a god that is not a God of miracles.

But I will show you a God of miracles--the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, the same God who created the heavens, the earth, and everything in them.