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He created Adam and Eve, who fell from the garden. Because they fell, Jesus Christ came, who is the Father and the Son. Because of Jesus Christ, all people will be resurrected (redeemed from the death of the body).

Because of the resurrection, when the trumpet will sound at the great and last day, everyone will be brought back into the Lord's presence to be judged. Whoever was happy, being righteous on earth, will still be happy in his righteousness. And whoever was unhappy, being wicked on earth, will remain unhappy, and will still be wicked.

To those who have imagined a god who cannot do miracles, I ask, have all the miracles I have mentioned come to an end? No, for God has not stopped being a God of miracles.

Are not the things that God has done marvelous to our eyes? Yes, and who can comprehend His marvelous works? Who can say that the creation of the heavens, of the earth, and of Adam and Eve, all from the dust and by His word, are not miracles?

Who can say that Jesus Christ and His disciples did not do many mighty miracles?