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They created great mounds of dirt as they dug for ore--gold, silver, iron, brass and copper, with which to make all kinds of fine things.

They made silks, linen and all types of cloth. They made all types of tools for plowing, sowing, reaping, hoeing and thrashing, and tools to work their animals.

They made their weapons and many other things with very fine workmanship. No people were more blessed or prospered by the Lord than they. And they were in a land that was more choice than any other, for the Lord had spoken it.

Lib lived for many years and had sons and daughters. His son, Hearthom, reigned in his place. After reigning twenty-four years, the kingdom was taken from Hearthom, and he served in captivity for the rest of his life.

These next four generations following Hearthom also lived in captivity throughout their lives: Heth, Aaron, Amnigaddah and Coriantum.

Coriantum's son, Com, was born in captivity, but he drew away half the kingdom. Com reigned over that half of the kingdom for forty-two years and then went to battle against King Amgid for many years.

Finally, Com gained power over the rest of the kingdom.

In the days of Com, robbers came into existence again. They adopted the old plans, administered the oaths of the ancient people and sought to destroy the kingdom. Com fought the robbers but did not prevail.

Prophets are killed and the land is cursed...
(compare Ether, chapter 11)