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Also in the days of Com, many prophets came and prophesied of the destruction of that great people unless they repented, turned to the Lord and gave up their murders and wickedness.

The people tried to kill the prophets, who fled to Com for protection. They prophesied many things to Com, and he was blessed during the rest of his life. He lived to a good old age, and then had a son, Shiblom, who reigned in his place.

Then Shiblom's brother, Seth, rebelled against him, and a great war broke out all over the land. Seth had all the prophets put to death who prophesied the destruction of the people.

Then there was great calamity in all the land, for the prophets had testified that if the people did not repent, a great destruction like one never before known on earth would come, after which their bones would be piled up on the ground.

The people did not listen to the Lord's voice because of their wicked combinations, which caused war, famine and pestilences all over the land.

A great destruction like no other did come during Shiblom's lifetime, but as the people began to repent, the Lord had mercy on them.

Although Shiblom was killed, Seth was conquered and spent the rest of his life in captivity. Ahah, Seth's son, inherited the kingdom, but his life was short. He was very sinful and caused much bloodshed.

One of Ahah's descendants, Ethem, then obtained the kingdom and was also very sinful. In the days of Ethem, many prophets came again and prophesied to the people that the Lord would completely destroy them off the face of the earth if they did not repent.