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By faith in Christ, the law of Moses was given, and then fulfilled, for through the gift of His Son, God has prepared a more excellent way.

If His children do not believe in Christ, God cannot do miracles among them. This is why He did not show Himself to them until after' they showed their faith in Him.

Because of Alma and Amulek's faith in Christ, the prison fell to the earth.

Because Helaman's two sons, Nephi and Lehi, had faith in Christ, a mighty change came over the Lamanites, and they were baptized with fire and with the Holy Ghost.

Ammon's and his brethren’s faith in Christ brought a great miracle among the Lamanites.

All who have performed miracles before and after Christ have done them by faith in His power.

After they showed their faith in Christ, the three disciples were promised that they would never die.

No miracle was ever performed by anyone who did not first believe in the Son of God.

There were many whose faith was so strong, even before Christ came, that they could not be kept outside the veil. They were glad to witness for themselves things they had only before seen with an eye of faith.

This record tells us that Jared's brother was one of these people. Because his faith in God was so great, and because of what he said to the Lord through his faith, God could not hide His finger from him.