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After Jared's brother saw the Lord's finger, because of the promise he had obtained by faith, the Lord could not withhold anything from his sight. This is why the Lord showed him all things and could not keep him outside the veil.

It is by faith in Christ that my forefathers have obtained the promise that this record will come to their brethren (the Lamanites) through the Gentiles. This is why the Lord Jesus Christ has commanded me to make this record.

But I, Moroni, said to Him, "Lord, the Gentiles will mock at our poor writing, for Thou has made our people powerful speakers, because of our faith and the Holy Ghost that Thou has given to us. But Thou has not made our writing powerful.

Thou has limited our writing skills because our hands are awkward. Thou has not made us powerful writers, like Jared's brother, to whom Thou gave the gift of writing things as mighty as Thou art--even to the overpowering of those who read them.

Thou has made our words powerful, but we cannot express them in writing. We see our weakness, and we stumble while engraving our words on plates. Because of this, I fear the Gentiles will not take our words seriously."

The Lord replied,

"Fools mock, but they will mourn, and my grace is sufficient for the meek who will not take advantage of your weakness.
To those who come to me, I will show them their weakness. I give people weaknesses to humble them.