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My grace is sufficient for all who humble themselves and have faith in me, for I will turn their weaknesses into strengths
I will show the Gentiles their weakness, and that faith, hope and charity will bring their souls to me--the fountain of all righteousness.”

After I, Moroni, heard these words, I was comforted and said, "Oh Lord, Thy righteous will be done, for I know that Thou works among Thy children according to their faith. For Jared's brother said to Mt. Zerin, ‘Remove,’ and it was removed. If he had not the faith, the mountain would not have been moved.

This is how Thou showed Thyself to Thy disciples, for after they had faith and spoke in Thy name, Thou did show Thyself to them in great power.

I also remember Thy speaking of preparing a house, even. among the mansions of Thy Father, in which we may have an even more wonderful hope. We must hope or we cannot receive an inheritance in the place which Thou has prepared.

I also remember Thou has said that Thou has loved the world, even unto the laying down of Thy life for the world, that Thou might take it up again in order to prepare a place for all people. I know that this love Thou has for everyone is charity.

This is why we must also have charity (Christ's love) or we cannot inherit that place which Thou has prepared in the mansions of Thy Father.