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From this account of their terrible war, we see that the Lord visited them in the fullness of His wrath. And their wickedness had prepared the way for their everlasting destruction.

Shiz and his army chased Coriantumr's army to the eastern seashore where they fought for three days. So terrible was the destruction among the armies of Shiz that they ran to the land of Corihor, killing all the people along the way who would not join them.

Shiz and his army camped in the valley of Corihor, while Coriantumr's army camped in the valley of Shurr, near Comnor Hill.

The next day, Coriantumr gathered his armies on top of the hill and sounded a trumpet to the armies of Shiz, inviting them to battle.

Shiz and his army came against Coriantumr twice and were driven back both times. The third time they came, the battle became very sore. Shiz gave Coriantumr many deep wounds, and after losing too much blood, Coriantumr fainted, and was carried away as if he were dead.

Now the loss of men, women and children on both sides was so great that Shiz commanded his people to stop chasing Coriantumr's army and to return to their camp.

Coriantumr alone survives...
(compare Ether, chapter 15)

As Coriantumr recovered from his wounds, he remembered what Ether had told him.

Seeing nearly two million families killed by the sword (perhaps more than eight million dead), Coriantumr began to sorrow in his heart. He began to repent of the evil he had done,