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remembering the words of all the prophets that had been fulfilled so far in every detail.

His soul mourned and refused to be comforted. He wrote a letter to Shiz, saying, “If you will spare my people, I will give the kingdom to you."

Shiz wrote back to Coriantumr, "If you give yourself up so that I may kill you with my own sword, then I will spare your people."

Coriantumr's people would not repent, and they were angry with Shiz. The people of Shiz were also angry with Coriantumr's people, so Shiz and his people came against them again.

During the battle, when Coriantumr realized his people were about to fall, he ran from the people of Shiz.

He and his people camped near the waters of Ripliancum, which means "to exceed all." The people of Shiz also camped nearby.

The next day they went to battle. They fought a very sore battle in which Coriantumr was again wounded, and again he fainted with the loss of blood.

The armies of Coriantumr pressed upon the armies of Shiz and beat them, causing them to run before them. They ran south and camped in a place called Ogath.

Coriantumr's army camped near Ramah Hill--that same hill where my father, Mormon, hid the sacred records unto the Lord.

During the next four years, Ether watched as the people gathered and joined either of the opposing armies, and prepared for war. Even the women and children were armed with weapons and wore shields, breastplates and helmets.

When all the people had joined one side or the other, they marched against one another to battle. They fought all that day,