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and neither side conquered.

By nightfall they were tired and returned to their camps. They pierced the air with their howling and lamenting for those who had been killed.

The next day they went to battle again. That day was great and terrible, but still neither side conquered. When night came, they cried and howled again, mourning the loss of their people.

Again, Coriantumr wrote to Shiz, begging him not to come again to battle, but to take the kingdom and spare the lives of the people. But the Spirit of the Lord had left them, and Satan had full power over the people, who had given in to their pride and ignorance. So they went to battle again.

At the end of the third and fourth days of fighting, they slept on their swords, drunken with anger. By the end of the fifth day of fighting, only 52 of Coriantumr's people and 69 of Shiz's people remained.

During the sixth day, they fought with all their might, using their swords and shields. By the end of the sixth day, 32 of Shiz's people and 27 of Coriantumr's people remained. And they were all large, strong men. They ate, slept and prepared to die the next day.

On the seventh day, they fought for three hours before fainting with the loss of blood. Coriantumr's men regained their strength and were about to escape when Shiz and his men arose. Shiz vowed in his wrath that he would kill Coriantumr or die by the sword.

Shiz and his men chased Coriantumr and his men and caught up with them the next day. All the men on both sides killed one