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The devil invites and entices us to sin and do evil continually. But whoever invites and entices us to do good continually, to love God and serve Him, is inspired of God.

So take this warning, my beloved brothers and sisters, so that you do not mistake evil to be of God, or good to be of the devil. The way to judge good from evil is as plain as judging day from night, and you may have a perfect knowledge of what is good and what is evil.

The Spirit of Christ is given to everyone so they may know good from evil. Let me tell you how to use your gift in order to judge properly.

Everything that invites you to do good and that persuades you to believe in Christ is sent by Christ's power as His gift. By this you may know with a perfect knowledge that it is of God.

When something persuades you to do evil, to deny Christ and not serve God, by this you may know with a perfect knowledge that it is of the devil. For this is how the devil works. He does not persuade anyone to do good, not even one person, nor do his angels.

And those who surrender their will to the devil cannot persuade anyone to do good.

My brothers and sisters, now that you know of this light of Christ by which you may judge, be sure that you do not judge wrongfully. For you will be judged at the last day according to how you judged others on earth.