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I beg you to search diligently, using the light of Christ, so you may know good from evil.

If you embrace every good thing and do not condemn it, you will certainly become a Child of Christ. And how do you embrace every good thing? Through faith.

Because God knows all things, He sent angels to His children to tell of Christ's coming, and that every good thing comes from Him. And God Himself told His prophets Christ would come.

There were many ways that God showed good things to His children, through their faith, all of which came from Christ.

If there were no faith, people would be fallen, and good things could not come to them.

Because of visiting angels and by God's words, people began to have more faith in Christ, and with that faith they accepted every good thing. This is how people were saved before Christ came.

After He came, people were also saved by faith in His name. By faith, they became the sons and daughters of God.

As sure as Christ lives, He spoke these words to our fathers:

"Whatever you ask the Father in my name, if it is good, and you have faith that you will receive, then it will be done for you."

My brothers and sisters, have miracles stopped because Christ has gone to heaven and sat down on the right hand of God, to claim His rights of mercy upon all people?