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Christ answered the ends of the law, and He claims all who have faith in Him. Those who have faith in Him will hold onto every good thing. Christ pleads their cause as He lives eternally in the heavens.

And again I ask, because He has gone have miracles ceased? No, they have not, nor have angels stopped visiting people.

Angels are subject to Christ. According to His command, they show themselves to those who have strong faith and a firm mind in every form of godliness.

The office of the angels' ministry is to call people to repentance and do the work that fulfills the Father's covenants. Angels also prepare the way of Christ by declaring His word to chosen servants, who in turn bear their testimonies of Him.

By sending His angels, the Lord prepared a way for people to have faith in Christ. And faith allows the Holy Ghost to have a place in their hearts, according to His power.

This is how the Father fulfills the promises He has made to all people (the covenant to Abraham, that through his descendants all the nations of the earth would be blessed).

Christ has said,

"If you have faith in me, you will have the power to do whatever is necessary for my cause. Repent, all people of the earth. Come to me, be baptized in my name, and have faith in me, that you may be saved.”

If what I've said is true, are the days of miracles over? No, for with great power and glory, at the last day, God will show