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Moroni, my son, this thing should not be done. Repentance and baptism are only for those under condemnation and the curse of a broken law.

The first act of repentance is baptism, which is an act of faith toward fulfilling all the commandments. This brings the remission of sins, which in turn brings meekness and humility.

My son, I'll write you again soon, unless I go out against the Lamanites. The pride of this Nephite nation will cause their destruction unless they repent soon. Pray for them my son, that repentance may come to them.

But I'm afraid the Spirit has already stopped working with them. In this part of the land, they're trying to put down all power and authority from God. They're denying the Holy Ghost.

After rejecting such great knowledge, my son, they must perish soon and fulfill the words of the prophets and of our Savior.

Farewell, my son, until I write or meet you again.

Mormon’s description of Nephite atrocities...
(compare Moroni, chapter 9)

Another letter from Mormon, to his son, Moroni:

I now write again, my son, that you may know I'm still alive. But I write about something very sad.

We lost a great battle with the Lamanites. Archeantus, Luram and Emron have all fallen by the sword. We lost a great