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number of our choicest men.

I'm afraid the Lamanites will destroy all our people, for they will not repent, and Satan never stops stirring them up with anger toward one another.

I work with them constantly. When I speak God's word with sharpness they become very angry with me. When I use no sharpness they harden their hearts against God's word.

I'm afraid the Lord's Spirit has stopped working with them. They're so angry they seem to have no fear of death. They've lost their love for one another and continually want to kill and get revenge.

And now my beloved son, in spite of their hardness, let's continue to work diligently, for if we stop our work we will be brought under condemnation.

We have a purpose while yet conquer the enemy of all righteousness! Then our souls will rest in God's kingdom.

Now I must tell you about the suffering of our people.

According to what Amoron has told me, the Lamanites have taken many men, women and children as prisoners from the tower of Sherrizah. They killed the men and fed their flesh to their wives and children and gave them only a little water.

Even though this is a great abomination, our people the Nephites in Moriantum have done worse. They captured many of the Lamanites' daughters, and after taking away that which was most dear and precious above all, which is chastity and virtue, they killed them in a most cruel manner, torturing them to death.