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After this, they ate their flesh like wild animals. They did this because of the hardness of their hearts, and as a token of bravery.

Oh my beloved son, how can we expect a people like this--a people without civilization, who only a few years ago were a civil and delightful people, who now delight in so much abomination--to be spared from God's judgments?

My heart cries, "Our people are cursed! Come out in judgment, oh God, and hide their sins, wickedness and abominations from before Thy face!”

Also, my son, the Nephite army of Zenephi has taken what little food the Lamanites left. Because of this, many widows and their daughters in Sherrizah now wander about looking for food, and many of our old women faint by the road and die.

My army is weak, and the Lamanite armies are between us and Sherrizah. All who have run to Aaron's army have fallen victim to the awful brutality of the Lamanites.

Oh, the depravity of my people. They are without order and without mercy.

I have only the strength of a man, and I can no longer enforce my commands. They have become strong in their perversion, and they are all brutal, sparing no one, old or young. They delight in everything evil.

The suffering of our women and children in this land is worse than anything. It cannot be spoken, neither can it be written.