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Note: The restoration of the gospel was the "marvelous” work. The "great and marvelous work and a wonder" is yet to come (2 Ne 27:26 and Ether 4:15).

Some of the Gentiles will nourish our descendants, carrying them in their arms and upon their shoulders.

This marvelous work will also benefit other Gentiles and all the house of Israel (the Jews and other tribes). Then all will know of the covenants that the Father made with Abraham, saying,

’Through your descendants, all nations will be blessed.’

I want you to know, my brothers, that all the nations of the earth cannot be blessed until the Lord makes His arm bare in the eyes of all nations. This means He will fulfill His covenants with power as He brings His gospel to all the tribes of Israel.

Note: How power is described in D&C 1:14, 103:15-18 and 2 Nephi 6:14.

The Lord will again bring all the tribes of Israel out of captivity and gather them to the their lands of inheritance. They will be brought out of spiritual darkness and come to know that the Lord is their Savior and Redeemer--the Mighty One of Israel.

After the tribes have been gathered, the devil's great, abominable church will war among itself.

All nations that make war with the house of Israel will make war with one another. They will fall into the very pit dug to trap the Lord's people, for all who fight Zion will be destroyed.

That great, abominable church, which will distort the right ways of the Lord, will tumble to the dust with a great fall!
For Isaiah said,

‘The time comes quickly when Satan will no longer have power over the people's hearts (the millennium), for