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soon all the proud and the wicked will be burned like a harvested field of wheat.
Soon the fullness of God's anger will be poured out upon all people, for the Lord will not allow the wicked to destroy the righteous. The Lord will preserve the righteous by His power, even if He must come in the fullness of His anger to destroy the wicked with fire. This is why the righteous need not fear.'

I know, my brothers, that these destructions must soon come--even blood, fire and vapor of smoke will come upon those who harden their hearts against the Holy One of Israel. But the righteous will not perish (spiritually or temporally), for the time will come when those who fight against Zion will be destroyed.

The Lord will surely prepare a way for His people--fulfilling the words of Moses, who said,

‘The Lord your God will raise up a prophet like me, and you must listen to all He says, for those who will not listen to Him will be destroyed.’

And I, Nephi, tell you that the prophet Moses spoke of is the Holy One of Israel, even the Messiah, Jesus Christ, and He will judge with righteousness.

The righteous need not fear, for they will not be confused. But the devil's kingdom built up among the people will have great reason to fear. For according to Isaiah, the time will come in the last days when all churches that belong to the devil's kingdom will fear and tremble as they see their destruction coming.

Those churches created to get gain and power over people, to become popular, seeking physical gratification and material