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possessions, will be brought down and burned.

The time soon comes when the righteous must be protected and nourished as helpless calves, and the Holy One of Israel must reign in dominion, might, power and great glory.

He will gather His children from all over the earth, numbering each of them, and they will know Him. Then there will be one fold and one Shepherd, and the Lord will feed and protect His children.

Because of the righteousness of the Lord's people, Satan will have no power over them. He will not be unloosed for a thousand years, even the millennium, and the Holy One of Israel will reign among His people.

I know that all these things will happen to people in the flesh, for all nations, tribes and people of all languages will live safely, protected by the Holy One of Israel, if they repent of their wickedness.

This is all I will say about Isaiah's words for now. Laman and Lemuel, I hope you will consider that the things written on the brass plates are true--things which testify that we must obey God's commandments.

Don't think our father Lehi and I are the only ones who have testified of these things. If you'll be obedient to the commandments and remain righteous throughout your lives, then you'll be saved on the day of judgment. Amen.”

Among the hundreds of books available to Mormon, the few he included in his compilation contain historical documentation that strictly follow the pattern set forth by Isaiah's writings. Isaiah's prophecies illustrate the Lord's people in all ages repeating cycles of blessings, apostasy, exile of the righteous, invasion by enemies, captivity, and ultimate deliverance through repentance. This is why Isaiah's writings (written on Laban's brass