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Lehi prophesies of the promised land...
(compare 2 Nephi, chapter 1)

After I had taught my brethren, my father, Lehi, spoke many things to them. He reminded them of the many great things the Lord had done for them by bringing them out of Jerusalem, and how merciful God had been to them in sparing their lives upon the ocean during their rebellion.

He also pointed out the great blessing of this promised land, which we had obtained, and how merciful the Lord had been in warning us to get out of Jerusalem.

Lehi said,

"I have seen a vision, in which I know that Jerusalem has been destroyed. If we had stayed there, we would not have survived.

Even though we have been through many afflictions, we have been spared and have obtained this promised land. The Lord has covenanted with me that He will give this land to me and my