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descendants forever, and also to those whom He will lead here from other nations.

I prophesy, because of the Spirit in me, that no people will come to this land unless the Lord brings them here, for this land is consecrated to those whom the Lord brings to this land.

If the people on this land serve the Lord according to His commandments, they'll always be free.

On the other hand, if they are ever brought into bondage, it will be because they have broken the Lord's commandments. For if the people in this land persist in their sinfulness, the land will be cursed for their sakes, but to the righteous, it will be blessed forever.

The Lord is wise to keep this land hidden from other nations, for they would overrun it, leaving no place for an inheritance. The Lord made this promise to me:

If those whom He brings out of Jerusalem will keep His commandments, they will be the only ones to possess this land. They will prosper, be protected from all other nations and inherit this land forever.

But when the time comes that they stop believing and reject the Holy One of Israel, the true Messiah, their Redeemer and their God...

...after receiving such great blessings,
...after knowing about the creation of the world and of all people,
...after having power to do all things by faith,
...having all the commandments from the beginning,
...having been brought by His infinite goodness to this precious land of promise,
...then His judgments will be upon them!