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Then the Lord will bring people from other nations and give them power to take away their lands, to scatter and kill them. Generation after generation will pass away with bloodshed and destruction among them.

I hope that you, my sons, will remember and obey my words so that these things may not happen.

Oh that you would wake up from your deep sleep--the sleep of hell, and shake off the awful chains that bind people and carry them down to the eternal gulf of misery and woe.

Awake! Arise and hear the words of a trembling parent, whom you will soon lay down into a cold and silent grave, from where no traveler can return, for soon I will go the way of all the earth.

But the Lord has redeemed my soul from hell. I have seen His glory, and I am encircled about eternally in the arms of His love. And the desire of my soul has always been that you, my sons, will remember His laws.

From time to time my heart has been heavy with sorrow because of your pride. I have feared that the anger of the Lord your God will come upon you and cut you off from His presence forever -- that a curse will come upon you for many generations -- that your descendants will be visited by the sword or famine -- that they will be hated by many and be led as captives of the devil.

Oh my sons, I hope these things do not come upon you. I hope you and your descendants will always be a choice, favored people of the