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Now my sons, Laman, Lemuel and Sam, and also my sons of Ishmael, if you'll listen to and obey Nephi, you won't perish, for I'll leave you my first blessing. But if you won't do this, I'll take my first blessing from you and give it to Nephi.

And now, Zoram, you were once Laban’s servant, but you were brought out of servitude in Jerusalem. I know you're a true friend of Nephi forever. Because you've been faithful, your descendants will be blessed along with Nephi's, that they may live long in prosperity in this land.

And nothing but sinfulness among them will disrupt their prosperity in this land forever. If you keep the Lord's commandments, you'll be blessed, for He has consecrated this land for the security of your descendants, as well as Nephi's.”

Lehi speaks to his youngest sons...
(compare 2 Nephi, chapter 2)

Now I speak to you, Jacob, my first-born in the wilderness. You've suffered in your childhood because of your brothers' rudeness, yet you know the goodness of God, who will compensate you for your afflictions. Your soul will be blessed, and you'll live safely with your brother, Nephi, for your days will be spent in the service of your God.

I know you are redeemed because of the righteousness of your Redeemer, for you have seen that in the fullness of time, He will come to offer salvation to all.

Jacob, you're like the children of a future day, to whom the Lord will appear, for you've seen His glory in your youth.

The Spirit is the same yesterday, today and forever, and since the fall of Adam and Eve, the way has been prepared for the free salvation of all their descendants.

Men and women have been taught to know good from evil. They are given the law, but it cannot justify them. Breaking the law cuts them