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off from what's good in this life and in the afterlife, bringing eternal misery.

Redemption comes only through the Holy Messiah, for He is full of grace and truth. He will offer Himself as a sacrifice for sin to satisfy the law on behalf of those with a broken heart -- those who are truly sorry. This sacrifice answers the demands of the law for them.

It is so important to make known to the inhabitants of the earth that they can only live with God through the merits, mercy and grace of the Holy Messiah, who will lay down His life in the flesh and take it up again by the power of the Spirit, bringing to pass the resurrection of the dead, He being the first to rise.

This makes Him the firstfruits to God the Father. He will stand between us and the Father, and all who believe in Him will be saved.

Because He will stand between us and the Father, all will come and stand before Him to be judged according to the truth and holiness in Him.

The result of the Law that the Holy One has given is for the wicked to receive His punishment.
And the result of the Atonement that the Holy One will make is for the righteous to receive His happiness.

Thus, by way of the Law and Atonement, everything has its opposite.

If not so, goodness and joy would not be separate from evil and misery. If not so, all things would be life separate from death, no mortality separate from immortality.

There would be no meaning in such a state, for it would destroy God's wisdom, eternal purposes, power, mercy and justice.

For with no law, there's no sin.
And with no sin, no righteousness, nor a reward for the righteous or misery for the sinful.