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And if none of these things exist, then there's no God. And if no God, then earth and everything on it, including us, would not exist, for there would have been no creation, wherein things act and are acted upon. Instead, there would be nothing.

My sons, I tell you these things for your profit and learning, for there is a God! He has created all things in heaven and earth...

..all things that act and are acted upon.

Note: Things that act are intelligences, and things that are acted upon are raw materials of the universe. Our spirit (created from raw Intelligence) and our body (created from raw matter) together constitute our very soul. "For man is spirit. The elements are eternal, and spirit and element, inseparably connected, receive a fulness of joy." (D&C 93:33).

To bring about His eternal purposes for men and women, after He created all things, there had to be opposition. This is why the forbidden fruit was created opposite the tree of sweet, the other bitter.

By this opposition, God gave Adam and Eve the chance to act for themselves...something they could not do without this choice.

And I believe, according to what I have read, that one of God's angels fell from heaven and became a devil, having desired evil before God. After he fell, he wanted everyone to become just as miserable as himself.

That old serpent, the devil, the father of lies, told Eve that if she ate of the forbidden fruit