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indeed; it is Jehovah, in the person of the Father: It was he that in a peculiar manner, sent him; "God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.———In the fulness of time he sent forth his Son, made of a woman, made under the law, to redeem them that were under the law, that we might receive the adoption of Sons.", God promised to send him, and accordingly he has actually, fulfilled his promise. Again,

Secondly, We may notice the blessing promised, and that is, a Plant of Renown.———Christ gets a great many metaphorical names and descriptions in Scripture:———Sometimes he is called a Rose, sometimes he is called a Sun, and sometimes he is called a Door; sometimes he is called the Tree of Life; sometimes he is called ono thing, and sometimes another; And he is content to be called any thing, to make himself known to us; and here he is called a Plant, and a Renowned Plant; but more of this afterwards. But then.

Thirdly, We have the production of this Plant, I will raise him up! Hell will endeavour to keep him down; the Devil and his Angels will endeavour to smother him, when he sets his head above ground: So we find Satan sends Herod, and Herod sends the Bloody Dragoons to murder him, when he came into the world: But let hell do its utmost, as it hath done in all ages, and is doing this day, to smother that plant, up it will be; I will raise him up, and therefore he shall prosper. But then again.

Fourthly, We may notice here, for whom, or for what end, for whose use and benefit it is: I will raise up for them a Plant of Renown. Who