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these are, you will see by casting your eye on the former part of this chapter; it is for the Lord's flock, his oppressed heritage, that are borne down by wicked rulers, civil and ecclesiastic: I will raise up for them a Plant of Renown, and he will be their deliverer.

The doctrine that naturally arises from this first clause of the verse, is in short this, “That Christ is a Plant of Renown, of God's raising up, for the benefit and advantage of his people, or for their comfort and relief in all their distresses; he is a Renowned Plant of God's raising up."

Now, in discoursing this doctrine, if time and strength would allow, I might,

First, Premise a few things concerning this blessed Plant.

Secondly, I might enquire, why he is called a Plant of Renown?

Thirdly, Speak a little to the raising up of this plant.

Fourthly, For whom he is raised up.

Fifthly, For what end. And then,

Lastly, Apply.

As to the first of these, namely,

First, To premise a few things concerning this blessed Plant.

First, I would have you to know what is here attributed and ascribed to Christ: It is not to be understood absolutely of him as God, but officially as he is Mediator and Redeemer. Considering him absolutely as God, this cannot be properly said of him, that he was raised up: for he is God co-equal and co-essential with the Father: But viewing him as Mediator, he is a Plant, as it were of God's training. You will see from the context, all that is said of Christ has a respect to as a