Page:Poems Argent.djvu/46

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His nostrils they were thin and fine,
His pedigree was olden.

He scorned the whip, the spur and rein,
Unrivalled were his paces;
Across the heather and the hills
He showed a thousand graces!

His eyes were beautiful and soft,
Affection's rays were gleaming
In their dark depths, as if the stars
Had come there and lay dreaming.

Those eyes, they took you captive quite,
A something almost human
Flashed from them like the beauteous light
One sees in gentle woman!

Oh! we have roamed full many a mile
Through vale, up hill together;
All tireless as the mountain breeze,
In spite of wind or weather.

On through the air like to a bird,
Or, very Atalanta,
He's borne me on the wildest night
With gallop, trot and canter.

His silky mane and flowing tail,
Tossed here and there in wonder,
His hoofs re-echoing far and wide
Like mimic claps of thunder.