Page:Poems Argent.djvu/47

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His nostrils sniffed and snorted fire,
And full of satisfaction,
He seemed to know we all admired
And loved him to distraction.

In truth, a little steed that none
Could beat in any weather,
The daintiest spirit creature he:
Well named a floating feather!

Though twenty years have come and gone,
Within the grassy meadow,
No sign of age doth he display,
He laughs at Time's weird shadow.

He comes to all to be caressed
And rubs his nose so tender
Upon your shoulder just to show
How great is still his splendour!

I almost think "Pegasus" dwells
Within this steed so sprightly,
He must have sure some hidden wings
To make him move so lightly.

The years may come, the years may go,
Their flight he fails to measure,
He canters still with buoyant step,
As if it were a pleasure.

Then wonder not the fattest oats
And sweetest heads of clover