For looks it well in wedded wife To laugh, to flirt, to dress, and stare?I want, dear maid, a friend for life, To crown its joy, and soothe its care.
The lover's eye perchance they bless,— But when the gordian knot is tied,Farewell to folly, glare, and dress; Adieu to vanity and pride!
Far other scenes demand thy care; Let these alone thy thoughts employ;Then, e'en in age, I'll think thee fair, And in thee find perpetual joy.
Softly, ye wildly-wand'ring gales! Spare in your rage the leafless tree;Breathe not your fury o'er the vales, Nor heave the billows of the sea.
All nature mourns your tyrant reign; Stripp'd are the honours of the grove;And tempests through the aerial plain, Borne on your viewless pinions rove.