Page:Poems David.djvu/77

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In the days of Romulus, when Rome was beseiged by the Sabines under the leadership of Tatius, the city was difficult of access, and under the command of Tarpeius, father of Tarpeia, the citadel being on the site of the capitol. Tarpeia being charmed with the golden bracelets of the Sabines, betrayed the capitol to them, on condition of their being given to her. These bracelets were worn on the left arm, and, to grudge her nothing, Tatius bid his men to give, according to her wish, what they wore on their left arms. They obeyed, throwing on her not only their bracelets, but their shields, and Tarpeia was crushed beneath them.

ONCE round about proud Rome,
A Sabine army lay;
East and west, north and south,
Stretched out their vast array.