Page:Poems David.djvu/78

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The people of Crustumenium,
And Fidenea too have fled;—
Yet the brave hosts of Alba Longa
Haste to revenge the dead!

Now the gay sun light dances
On breastplate, and on shield;
On the great towers of Rome,
Which ne'er to foe did yield;—
Now hail to the great city,
The noblest in the world!
Who up would give his country,
To hated Sabine churls.

But from those walls Tarpeia
With envious eyes looked down
On the rich bands of glittering gold
That round their arms were bound.
She longs that she might clasp them
About her arms so fair!
And in her brain an evil thought
Too quickly doth it bear.

"Tatius, brave Tatius," the fair Tarpeia cried,
"Give those glittering bands to me,