Page:Poems Denver.djvu/286

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North, east, and west, there was no star to light the midnight scene,
And I turned in wonder to the south, to watch its changeful mien.

"Then dim and indistinct appeared a shadowy host of men,
And the sky was like a battle-field spread out before me then:
I saw the ranks of infantry march stately into line,
And bayonet and barrel in the light unnatural shine;
I saw the squadrons, man and horse, defined against the sky;
I saw the phantom banners float in crimson folds on high,
Then fainter grew the weird array until 'twas almost gone,
As to the westward all the host seemed to move slowly on.

"And then the heavy cannon in the distance loudly roared,
And sharp and quick the musketry's incessant volleys poured;
And soon again the troops appeared—shapes of retreating men,
Scattered in terror and dismay, broke on my vision then.