Page:Poems Denver.djvu/287

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I saw the wounded soldier fall, the disarray the flight,
And heard the sharp, fierce call on men to turn and form in fight;
And still that' sullen roar was heard, until the sight was gone,
And westward still, and westward, the sound seemed rolling on.

"And while upon that wild, strange sight I gazed in doubt and fear,
I saw the scarlet uniform displayed, distinct and clear,
And 'midst the scattered legions there, that fled before the foe,
I saw old England's banner droop all mournfully and low;
And now, with eager headlong speed and banners flying free,
The Continental troops pursued, all flashed with victory.
So rapidly the scene moved on, the scene of phantom war,
And sullenly the sound rolled by and died in distance far.

"Oh, comrades! I have gazed on death, have slept beside the slain—
Have seen my gallant messmates fall on many a bloody plain—