Page:Poems Denver.djvu/50

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He lifted up his eyes to heaven, as if it came from there;
He lifted up his heart to heaven, in deep and solemn prayer:
"We ask not Pride, nor gorgeous Pomp, nor Glory's fading wreath,
We ask not these—but give, give us Liberty or Death!"

And they—the hardiest of the land—sons of the mountain-soil,
Whose hearts were strong with courage, and whose hands were hard with toil,
Ah! honored be those dauntless men, the brave, the truly free,
Honored be they!—except to God, to none they bend the knee.
The plough was left within the field, the furrow was not done,
Down dropped at once each implement, and up rose every one:
"If we are slaves, alike to us rich soil or barren heath,
We'll strike for both, and freely strike, for Liberty or Death."

And he whose voice was heard alone amid the battle's blast,
Whose form was only seen amid war's whirl-wind as it past;