Page:Poems Denver.djvu/51

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The forest was his tower by day; by night it was a flame—
The Briton saw the light arise, and shouted Marion's name.
Bold man! the gallant leader of a gallant little band,
Thou wert among the first to snatch the beacon's flaming brand,
"Ay! let us live the patriot's life, or yield the patriot's breath,
We ask no other terms,—then strike for Liberty or Death!"

Should it be asked if Victory went onward in their track.
Proud Saratoga's rocky plain can give the answer back;
Where Britain's haughty soldiery war's bitterest fortune wept,
And envied those, more fortunate, who, waiting burial, slept.
Old Bennington can tell how Stark discomfited the foe,
And Trenton how the invaders' blood stained its wide fields of snow,
And Yorktown's shattered walls can tell, how fortune's fickle breath
To millions living and unborn gave liberty, not Death!