Page:Poems Follen.djvu/193

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little roland.
Within the hall little Roland treads,
As though it were his own:
He takes a dish from the royal board
In silence, and is gone.

The king he thinks—what do I see?
This is a curious way;
But, as he quietly submits,
The rest do nothing say.

In a little while again he comes:
To the king he marches up;
And little Roland boldly takes
The royal golden cup.

"Halloa! stop there! thou saucy wight!"
King Charles's voice did ring:
Little Roland kept the golden cup.
And looked up at the king.

The king at first looked angrily;
But very soon he smiled:
"You tread here in our golden hall,
As in the green woods wild,"

From the royal table you take a dish,
As they take an apple from a tree;
As with the waters of the brook,
With my red wine you make free."